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Motivasi Ekstra Diggia di MotoGP Austria 2024

Diggia – Dalam ajang MotoGP Austria 2024, Francesco Bagnaia, yang akrab disapa Diggia, akan memasuki balapan dengan semangat dan motivasi yang tinggi. Pembalap Ducati ini menghadapi seri di Red Bull Ring dengan harapan besar untuk mengukir prestasi terbaiknya. Bagnaia baru saja kembali dari periode pemulihan pasca cedera, dan dia merasa lebih termotivasi daripada sebelumnya untuk meraih hasil maksimal.

Bagnaia menjelaskan bahwa dukungan dari tim Ducati dan kerja keras selama masa pemulihan sangat berperan dalam membangkitkan semangatnya. Keberhasilan di Austria akan menjadi langkah penting dalam usahanya untuk kembali ke jalur juara dan mengimbangi pesaing-pesaingnya dalam perebutan gelar kejuaraan dunia.

Tekanan dan tantangan di Red Bull Ring, yang dikenal dengan trek yang menantang dan cuaca yang bisa berubah-ubah, menambah intensitas persaingan. Namun, Bagnaia merasa siap dan percaya diri untuk menghadapi setiap rintangan. Dia juga berharap dukungan dari para penggemar dan tim akan membantunya untuk tampil optimal di lapangan.

Dengan kombinasi pengalaman, tekad, dan motivasi yang diperolehnya, Bagnaia berambisi untuk menunjukkan performa terbaik di MotoGP Austria 2024. Balapan ini tidak hanya menjadi kesempatan baginya untuk meraih kemenangan, tetapi juga untuk memperkokoh posisinya dalam persaingan gelar juara dunia.

Mercedes-Benz Pimpin Pilihan Mobil Listrik di Indonesia

Mobil Listrik – Mercedes-Benz kini memimpin pasar mobil listrik di Indonesia dengan menawarkan pilihan kendaraan listrik terbanyak dibandingkan merek lain seperti Wuling dan Hyundai. Langkah ini menunjukkan komitmen Mercedes-Benz untuk mendukung transisi menuju mobilitas berkelanjutan di Indonesia.

Keunggulan Mercedes-Benz di Pasar Mobil Listrik

  1. Varian yang Beragam: Mercedes-Benz menawarkan berbagai model mobil listrik yang memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, mulai dari SUV hingga sedan mewah. Beragamnya pilihan ini memungkinkan konsumen untuk memilih kendaraan yang sesuai dengan gaya hidup dan kebutuhan mereka.
  2. Teknologi Canggih: Setiap model mobil listrik Mercedes-Benz dilengkapi dengan teknologi terkini, termasuk sistem pengisian daya cepat, jarak tempuh yang panjang, dan fitur keselamatan yang canggih. Ini memberikan kenyamanan dan kepercayaan diri bagi pengguna dalam menjalani mobilitas sehari-hari.
  3. Dukungan Infrastruktur: Mercedes-Benz juga aktif dalam mendukung pengembangan infrastruktur pengisian daya di Indonesia. Kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak untuk memperluas jaringan stasiun pengisian daya membantu memastikan ketersediaan fasilitas yang memadai bagi pemilik mobil listrik.

Tantangan dan Peluang di Pasar Indonesia

Meskipun Mercedes-Benz berhasil memimpin pasar mobil listrik, tantangan tetap ada. Salah satunya adalah edukasi konsumen mengenai keuntungan menggunakan kendaraan listrik dan mengatasi kekhawatiran tentang infrastruktur pengisian daya. Namun, dengan upaya yang konsisten dan kolaborasi dengan pemerintah serta pihak swasta, peluang untuk mengembangkan pasar mobil listrik di Indonesia tetap terbuka lebar.

Masa Depan Mobil Listrik di Indonesia

Dengan langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh Mercedes-Benz, diharapkan semakin banyak konsumen yang tertarik untuk beralih ke kendaraan listrik. Ini tidak hanya mendukung tujuan lingkungan tetapi juga membantu mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil. Masa depan mobilitas di Indonesia terlihat semakin cerah dengan kehadiran inovasi dari produsen terkemuka seperti Mercedes-Benz.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat membaca artikel aslinya di sini dan 526Bet

MPV Modern dengan Desain Menawan dan Fitur Lengkap Toyota Sienta 2024

Mobil – Toyota Sienta 2024 kembali hadir dengan desain yang lebih modern dan segar, serta dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur baru yang membuatnya semakin menarik bagi para konsumen. MPV ini merupakan pilihan ideal bagi keluarga yang menginginkan kendaraan yang stylish, praktis, dan nyaman.

Desain Eksterior yang Menawan

Toyota Sienta 2024 mengusung desain eksterior yang lebih modern dan sporty dibandingkan dengan model sebelumnya. Mobil ini memiliki lampu depan LED yang tajam, gril depan yang lebih besar, dan bumper depan yang lebih aerodinamis. Sienta 2024 juga dilengkapi dengan velg aluminium 16 inci baru yang memberikan tampilan yang lebih sporty.

Interior yang Nyaman dan Fleksibel

Interior Toyota Sienta 2024 didesain dengan nyaman dan fleksibel, menawarkan ruang kabin yang lega dan berbagai konfigurasi kursi yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Kursi baris kedua dapat dilipat dan diputar 180 derajat, sehingga dapat berhadapan dengan kursi baris ketiga. Mobil ini juga dilengkapi dengan panoramic sunroof yang memberikan pencahayaan alami dan membuat kabin terasa lebih luas.

Fitur Lengkap yang Menunjang Kenyamanan dan Keamanan

Toyota Sienta 2024 dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur canggih yang menunjang kenyamanan dan keamanan, seperti:

  • Layar infotainment touchscreen 7 inci dengan navigasi GPS dan Apple CarPlay/Android Auto
  • Head-up display yang menampilkan informasi penting seperti kecepatan, navigasi, dan panggilan telepon
  • Blind spot detection dan lane departure warning system yang membantu pengemudi menghindari kecelakaan
  • Adaptive cruise control yang menjaga jarak aman dengan kendaraan di depan
  • Surround view monitor yang memberikan pandangan 360 derajat ke sekitar mobil
  • Electronic parking brake dan auto hold yang memudahkan saat parkir
  • Toyota Safety Sense 2.0 yang terdiri dari Pre-Collision System with Pedestrian Detection, Lane Departure Alert, Adaptive Cruise Control, dan High Beam Assist

Performa Mesin yang Irit dan Bertenaga

Toyota Sienta 2024 dibekali dengan mesin bensin 1.5 liter yang menghasilkan tenaga 105 hp dan torsi 140 Nm. Mesin ini dipadukan dengan transmisi CVT yang halus dan responsif. Mobil ini juga memiliki performa handling yang baik dan stabil, sehingga nyaman untuk dikendarai di berbagai kondisi jalan.


Toyota Sienta 2024 merupakan MPV modern dengan desain yang menawan, interior yang nyaman dan fleksibel, fitur lengkap yang menunjang kenyamanan dan keamanan, serta performa mesin yang irit dan bertenaga. Mobil ini adalah pilihan ideal bagi keluarga yang menginginkan kendaraan yang stylish, praktis, dan aman.

MPV Mewah dengan Fitur Canggih Kia Carnival 2024

Mobil – Kia Carnival 2024 hadir dengan desain yang lebih mewah dan elegan, serta dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur canggih yang membuatnya semakin nyaman dan menyenangkan untuk dikendarai. MPV ini merupakan pilihan ideal bagi keluarga yang menginginkan kendaraan yang stylish, praktis, dan aman.

Desain Eksterior yang Menawan

Kia Carnival 2024 memiliki desain eksterior yang menawan dengan lampu depan LED yang tajam, gril depan “Tiger Nose” yang ikonik, dan velg aluminium 18 inci yang sporty. Mobil ini juga memiliki dimensi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan model sebelumnya, sehingga memberikan ruang kabin yang lebih lega dan nyaman.

Interior yang Mewah dan Nyaman

Interior Kia Carnival 2024 didesain dengan mewah dan nyaman, menggunakan material berkualitas tinggi dan menawarkan berbagai fitur canggih. Kursi baris kedua dapat diputar 180 derajat sehingga dapat berhadapan dengan kursi baris ketiga, menciptakan ruang kabin yang lebih fleksibel dan interaktif. Mobil ini juga dilengkapi dengan panoramic sunroof yang memberikan pencahayaan alami dan membuat kabin terasa lebih luas.

Fitur Canggih yang Memudahkan Pengendara

Kia Carnival 2024 dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur canggih yang memudahkan pengendara, seperti:

  • Layar infotainment touchscreen 12.3 inci dengan navigasi GPS dan Apple CarPlay/Android Auto
  • Head-up display yang menampilkan informasi penting seperti kecepatan, navigasi, dan panggilan telepon
  • Blind spot detection dan lane departure warning system yang membantu pengemudi menghindari kecelakaan
  • Adaptive cruise control yang menjaga jarak aman dengan kendaraan di depan
  • Surround view monitor yang memberikan pandangan 360 derajat ke sekitar mobil
  • Electronic parking brake dan auto hold yang memudahkan saat parkir

Performa Mesin yang Tangguh

Kia Carnival 2024 dibekali dengan mesin diesel 2.2 liter yang menghasilkan tenaga 200 hp dan torsi 440 Nm. Mesin ini dipadukan dengan transmisi otomatis 8 percepatan yang halus dan responsif. Mobil ini juga memiliki performa handling yang baik dan stabil, sehingga nyaman untuk dikendarai di berbagai kondisi jalan.


Kia Carnival 2024 merupakan MPV mewah dengan desain yang menawan, interior yang nyaman, fitur canggih, dan performa mesin yang tangguh. Mobil ini adalah pilihan ideal bagi keluarga yang menginginkan kendaraan yang stylish, praktis, dan aman.

Merawat Mobil Lamborghini di Indonesia: Tantangan, Strategi, dan Pentingnya Perawatan yang Tepat

Mobil Lamborghini, dengan kemewahan dan performa yang luar biasa, menjadi lambang prestise di dunia otomotif. Namun, merawat mobil Lamborghini di Indonesia, sebuah negara dengan iklim tropis dan infrastruktur jalan yang beragam, membutuhkan perhatian khusus dan strategi yang bijaksana. Dalam essay ini, kita akan mengeksplorasi tantangan dalam merawat mobil Lamborghini di Indonesia, strategi untuk menjaga mobil dalam kondisi prima, dan pentingnya perawatan yang tepat.

Tantangan Merawat Mobil Lamborghini di Indonesia

1. Iklim Tropis yang Ekstrim
Indonesia dikenal dengan iklim tropisnya yang panas dan lembab sepanjang tahun. Suhu tinggi dan kelembaban udara dapat memengaruhi performa mesin dan komponen elektronik mobil, meningkatkan risiko overheating dan kerusakan.

2. Infrastruktur Jalan yang Tidak Merata

Kondisi jalan yang buruk di beberapa wilayah Indonesia menjadi tantangan bagi mobil Lamborghini dengan ground clearance rendah dan suspensi yang sensitif. Risiko kerusakan pada bodi mobil dan komponen suspensi meningkat di jalan-jalan berlubang dan bergelombang.

3. Ketersediaan Suku Cadang dan Layanan Servis Terbatas
Ketersediaan suku cadang dan layanan servis yang terbatas menjadi hambatan bagi pemilik mobil Lamborghini di Indonesia. Beberapa model Lamborghini mungkin memiliki suku cadang yang sulit ditemukan, sementara layanan servis yang memadai mungkin hanya tersedia di kota-kota besar.

4. Biaya Perawatan yang Tinggi

Biaya perawatan mobil Lamborghini cenderung lebih tinggi daripada mobil biasa. Biaya suku cadang, layanan servis, dan asuransi cenderung lebih mahal, dan tidak semua bengkel mobil memiliki keahlian dan peralatan yang diperlukan untuk merawat mobil supercar.

Strategi untuk Merawat Mobil Lamborghini di Indonesia

1. Pemeliharaan Rutin yang Ketat

Pemeliharaan rutin yang ketat sangat penting untuk menjaga mobil Lamborghini dalam kondisi prima. Ini termasuk mengganti oli secara teratur, memeriksa dan membersihkan filter udara dan filter oli, serta menjaga sistem pendingin mesin dan sistem pendingin transmisi tetap dalam kondisi optimal.

2. Pemilihan Rute Berkendara yang Tepat

Memilih rute berkendara yang tepat adalah kunci untuk menjaga mobil Lamborghini tetap dalam kondisi prima di jalan-jalan Indonesia yang tidak rata. Menghindari jalan-jalan berlubang dan memilih rute yang lebih halus dapat membantu mengurangi risiko kerusakan pada bodi mobil dan komponen suspensi.

3. Menggunakan Bengkel Mobil Terpercaya

Pemilik mobil Lamborghini perlu mencari bengkel mobil yang terpercaya dan berpengalaman dalam merawat mobil supercar. Bengkel yang memiliki teknisi yang terlatih dan memiliki pengalaman dalam merawat mobil Lamborghini akan dapat memberikan layanan yang berkualitas dan memastikan bahwa mobil tetap dalam kondisi prima.

4. Asuransi yang Komprehensif

Membeli asuransi yang komprehensif adalah langkah yang bijak bagi pemilik mobil Lamborghini. Asuransi yang baik akan melindungi mobil dari kerusakan akibat kecelakaan atau bencana alam, serta memberikan perlindungan terhadap pencurian dan kerusakan lainnya.

Pentingnya Perawatan yang Tepat

Merawat mobil Lamborghini dengan baik bukan hanya masalah kemewahan atau status, tetapi juga tentang menjaga investasi yang besar. Mobil Lamborghini merupakan aset berharga yang membutuhkan perawatan yang tepat untuk mempertahankan nilai dan performa. Dengan merawat mobil dengan baik, pemilik juga dapat meningkatkan keamanan berkendara dan menikmati pengalaman berkendara yang lebih menyenangkan.


Merawat mobil Lamborghini di Indonesia merupakan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dengan strategi dan perhatian khusus. Dengan memahami tantangan yang dihadapi, menerapkan strategi yang tepat, dan memberikan perawatan yang sesuai, pemilik mobil Lamborghini dapat menjaga mobil mereka tetap dalam kondisi prima dan menikmati pengalaman berkendara yang luar biasa di jalan-jalan Indonesia.

BYD Launches Electric Supercar, Price IDR 3 Billion

BYD‘s sub-brand, YangWang, officially launched the electric-powered supercar, YangWang U9. The electric car that challenges Lamborghini and Ferrari is sold with one option for around IDR 3 billion.

Quoted by MOTORSPORTS, this fully electric supercar uses the e4 platform. The YangWang U9 is equipped with BYD’s Disus X suspension which allows the car to drive on three wheels, jumping to ‘dancing’. This car is driven by four electric motors with a total power of 1,287 horsepower and peak torque of 1,680 Nm.

U9, which according to BYD stands for Ultimate 9, uses AWD (all wheel drive). This electric car can accelerate from 0-100 km/h in 2.36 seconds. According to BYD, the drag race time record for a distance of 400 meters can reach 9.78 seconds. The electric motor is capable of rotating up to a speed of 21,000 rpm.

The top speed of the YangWang U9 reaches 309.19 km/hour. It was tested at the Shanghai International Circuit.

The U9 rear spoiler provides up to 280 kg of downforce. The YangWang U9 is equipped with 21 inch Pirelli P-Zero tires.

Interestingly, unlike other high-end cars, this car does not use a nickel cobalt manganese (NCM) battery. This supercar is equipped with a blade type battery with lithium iron phosphate (LFP) material from BYD.

The installed LFP battery has a capacity of 80 kWh. BYD claims that with the LFP battery the YangWang U9 can travel as far as 465 km on one charge. Maximum charging power reaches 500 kW. Charging from 30 percent to 80 percent only takes 10 minutes.

In China, this electric supercar will be sold for 1.68 million yuan. If converted into rupiah, it means around IDR 3.6 billion.

For your information, YangWang is a high-end sub-brand from BYD. The YangWang U9 is his second car. Previously, YangWang had launched the U8 SUV which has the ability to float on water.


Mitsubishi Xpander Hybrid Specifications and Prices

Mitsubishi officially launched the Xpander and Xpander Cross HVE or hybrid. Mitsubishi’s two flagship cars, which are now more environmentally friendly, were launched for the first time in Thailand. Here are the specs and price.

Mitsubishi says the Xpander and Xpander Cross HEV use a new engine. If the previous Xpander and Xpander used a 1,500 cc engine, now the hybrid version uses a 1,600 cc engine combined with an electric motor and battery.

Machine Specifications Xpander Cross HEV

The generator and 85 kW motor are combined with a 1,600 cc petrol engine together with a battery specially developed for this model.

The newly developed 1.6 L DOHC 16-valve MIVEC4 engine adopts a high expansion ratio cycle (Atkinson cycle) to achieve a higher level of combustion efficiency. The machine also uses an electric water pump, which was first used by Mitsubishi Motors to reduce mechanical loss.

Mitsubishi said fuel consumption was around 34 percent more efficient when driving in urban areas in the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) test procedure, around 15 percent when driving in urban areas and on combined routes.

Quoted from local Thai media, Autolife Thailand, the 1.6 liter MIVEC petrol engine has a maximum power of 95 horsepower with a maximum torque of 134 Nm. The total combined power of the engine and electric motor reaches 116 horsepower with a maximum torque of 255 Nm.

The hybrid system uses a 1.1 kWh battery combined with an e-CVT transmission. Power is distributed to the front wheels. Acceleration from 0-100 km/h can be completed in just 9.7 seconds. Average fuel consumption reaches 19.2 km/liter.

Xpander HEV Has Seven Driving Modes

Mitsubishi is proud of the seven new driving modes on the Xpander and Xpander Cross Hybrid. In fact, this car has an EV mode which can make the car run without consuming any petrol at all if the battery is in good condition.

The newly developed seven driving modes consist of two modes for EV driving and five modes for optimal driving control according to road conditions.

Two driving modes are provided so that the driver can choose to drive the EV at will, according to the situation. EV Priority mode drives the motorbike with power from the battery without activating the engine. Because this mode is very quiet and also environmentally friendly, it frees the driver from worrying about the surrounding environment when driving in environments such as residential areas in the morning.

If the remaining battery is low, switching to Charge mode will allow charging so that driving in EV mode can be enjoyed again. Charge Mode can be activated while the vehicle is moving or stationary.

Five other driving modes provide optimal control and driving power according to road conditions. Based on a two-front-wheel drive system, various integrated controls are available such as Active Yaw Control (AYC) which controls the braking force between the left and right front wheels; traction control that controls driving force when front wheel slippage is detected; acceleration control that regulates motor and engine output during acceleration; and steering controls that adjust steering response according to speed ranges and road conditions.

Normal mode has good balance for everyday driving. Next there is Tarmac mode which offers agile driving and precise handling on winding roads. Then there is Gravel mode which reduces the effect of skidding and provides safe handling on unpaved roads. Next is the Mud mode which provides powerful road handling even on muddy, rough roads. Lastly, Wet mode which reduces tire slippage and provides high stability even in heavy rain.


From its appearance, this car is still the same as the previous Xpander and Xpander Cross. However, the exterior of this car is equipped with a ‘HEV’ badge on the front grille and trunk door, plus ‘Hybrid EV’ writing on the front door.

A blue accent color is added to the bottom of the front side as well as the side garnish, rear bumper and wheels. New White Diamond was added as a body color to express the clean character of the electrified vehicle with its stark yet radiant and bright color. Other color choices are Blade Silver Metallic, Graphite Gray Metallic, and Jet Black Mica. For the Xpander Cross HEV model, Green Bronze Metallic is also available.

The Xpander and Xpander Cross HEV have dimensions of 4,595 mm in length, 1,750 mm in width and 1,750 mm in height. The wheelbase reaches 2,775 mm with a ground clearance of up to 205 mm.


The interior is equipped with an 8-inch color LCD instrument cluster, with various information displayed on the screen for ease of use. Information specific to the HEV is displayed, such as a power meter showing status in sync with the accelerator control, energy flow information, EV driving efficiency and remaining battery. When switching driving modes, the selected mode is displayed as a graphic in the center of the screen to make it easy to select the driving mode even while driving. According to preference, the display can be set to fine-tuning mode with advanced nuances, or to classic mode that replicates analog gauge configurations.

For comfort, the Xpander and Xpander Cross HEV are claimed to be quieter because they prioritize EV driving. Additionally, sound-absorbing and soundproofing materials have been added in key locations to keep the interior quiet not only when driving the EV but also when the engine is active during acceleration or when driving at high speeds. This allows conversations to remain stress-free in the passenger cabin.

New gear lever that adopts Shift-by-Wire technology. The gear comes with a modern design that increases ease of use and ease of operation.

To accommodate the HEV system, the drive battery is positioned under the floor of the front seats, thus maintaining a three-row interior space that is roomy enough for seven passengers. The engine compartment floor and around the battery have been changed, and the battery has been covered for protection, increasing body rigidity.

Price Xpander Cross HEV

The Mitsubishi Xpander HEV and Xpander Cross HEV are still being offered at launch prices. The Xpander HEV is sold for 912,000 baht (Rp. 405 million), while the Xpander Cross HEV is priced at Rp. 946,000 baht (Rp. 420 million). However, this price is valid until April 7 2024. The normal price for the Xpander HEV is 933,000 baht (Rp. 414 million), while the Xpander Cross is 961,000 baht (Rp. 426 million).

Land Rover New Range Rover PHEV: Specifications and Price

Land Rover presents a number of electric car options, one of which is the New Range Rover Electric. Most recently, this car uses Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) technology which combines gasoline with a battery that can be charged at home.

Want to know the advantages of this UK-produced electric car? Check out this article to find out the specifications, model and how much the car is selling for.

Land Rover New Range Rover PHEV Specifications

The following are the specifications for the Land Rover New Range Rover PHEV, as quoted from the official site


The New Range Rover PHEV is a luxury electric SUV that is suitable for all terrains. Even in water, this car can navigate water depths of up to 850 mm.

The exterior design of the New Range Rover shows modernity, sophistication, but remains elegant without excessive accents. This design also features wide, clean surfaces that accentuate the strong body.

This car is the first time a Range Rover has used 23 inch tires. At the rear, the lights will be hidden in a black line and will glow bright red when the brake is applied.

There are two choices of seating, namely 5 or 7 seats. The seats are made comfortable with a combination of Ultrafabrics and Kvadrat premium textiles on the seats and cabin trim. The backrest is equipped with noise reduction so that your seat becomes a quiet zone.

Technology and Batteries

The car is equipped with a 13.1 inch touchscreen display equipped with Pivi Pro Infotainment so you can always be connected to your phone, control music, find a parking space, and control smart devices at home.

Range Rover with PHEV technology is capable of producing low CO2 emissions of up to 18 g/km. If you only use the electric system, this car can drive long distances of up to 113 km without exhaust emissions.

With a 2,996 cc engine with a PHEV electric motor, this car only consumes 0.8 liters of fuel to travel 100 km. The battery capacity is 38.2 kWh.

Charging at home (7kW) takes 5 hours to be 100 percent full. Meanwhile, fast charging using a DC charger (50 kW) takes 40 minutes to fill 80 percent of the battery.


The New Range Rover PHEV has two engine specification options, namely P440e and P510e.

The first engine is capable of producing a maximum power of 440 PS at 5,500-6,500 rpm with a maximum torque of 620 Nm at 1,500-5,000 rpm. Acceleration from 0-100 km can be done in 6 seconds. The maximum speed is 225 km/hour.

The second engine is capable of producing a maximum power of 510 PS at 5,500-6,500 rpm with a maximum torque of 700 Nm at 1,500-5,000 rpm. Acceleration from 0-100 km can be done in 5.5 seconds. The maximum speed is 242 km/hour.

New Range Rover PHEV Model and Price

There are two models or variants of the Land Rover New Range Rover PHEV being marketed in Indonesia, namely the SE and Autobiography models.

Prices for the SE model start from IDR 5.2 billion off the road, while the Autobiography starts from IDR 5.7 billion off the road.

The Autobiography model has advantages, including its interior features. For example, auto-folding loadspace cover and four-zone climate control.

On the SE model only three-zone climate. The front seats have an electric massage feature with 24-way heating and cooling and the rear seats are Executive Class.

That’s the information about the New Range Rover PHEV Land Rover car, starting from design specifications, technology, battery, engine, to model and price.

Cambodian car brand makes a splash, ready to release affordable cars

Cambodian car brand GTV Motor is ready to assemble cars and will sell them at affordable prices. Reportedly the car will be sold starting at IDR 317 million.

GTV Motor will start assembly operations for its line of cars this year in Cambodia. GTV Motor is an automotive brand from Cambodia that will assemble cars domestically and sell them. As reported by the Khmer Times, the company announced investment in a car assembly plant on National Road 2, Kandal Steung district, Kandal Province.

The factory has a capacity of up to 35,000 units annually. Based on company information, this manufacturer is ready to start first production in early 2024. For first production, GTV Motor is targeting the Cambodian domestic market rather than exporting. This was done following high demand in the Cambodian domestic market for new cars.

The plan is that the company will reduce car prices without taking the quality of the car lightly. GTV Motor was actually built for an assembly and export factory for Volkswagen in the Southeast Asia region.

However, in Cambodia, they use their own brand, namely GTV Motor. As a start, the company will focus on producing five car models at affordable prices which it believes can meet the desires of consumers in the Cambodian domestic market.

“Focusing on developing the Cambodian brand,” explained Chief Financial Officer and Deputy General Manager of GTV Motor Co Ltd Soy Benlyly.

Cambodia is Not Just About Online Gambling, But They have GTV Motor

Soy also said that this new factory would make a contribution to Cambodia’s heavy equipment industry, which is in line with the Royal Government’s road map for the development of Cambodia’s automotive and electronics sectors.

“This independent Cambodian brand will play an important role in the industry while promoting the development of Cambodia’s manufacturing industry and industrial chain to a higher level,” he said again.

Demand for new cars in Cambodia has increased significantly in the last decade. This can be seen from vehicle registration data in the previous period.

There are several types of cars that will be launched, ranging from MPVs to SUVs. Regarding price, it is reported that this car will be offered for the cheapest, around USD 19,999 or the equivalent of IDR 316 million to the most expensive at USD 37,950 which is equivalent to IDR 601 million.

Ferrari: A History of Racing and Luxury

Ferrari is one of the most iconic and successful car brands in the world. The company is known for its high-performance sports cars, which have won countless races and championships. Ferrari is also a leading producer of luxury cars, which are coveted by celebrities and wealthy individuals around the world.

The Early Years

Ferrari was founded in 1929 by Enzo Ferrari, a former racing driver. Ferrari’s first car, the 125 S, was a race car that was powered by a 1.5-liter V12 engine. The 125 S was a success, and it helped to establish Ferrari as a force in the racing world.

In the 1930s, Ferrari continued to develop race cars, and it won its first major race in 1932. Ferrari also began to produce road cars in the 1930s, but its focus was still on racing.

World War II

World War II interrupted Ferrari’s racing and road car production. Ferrari used the war years to develop new technologies, and it emerged from the war stronger than ever before.

The Post-War Years

After the war, Ferrari continued to dominate racing. The company won its first Formula One championship in 1952, and it went on to win 15 more Formula One championships. Ferrari also won numerous other races, including the 24 Hours of Le Mans and the Mille Miglia.

Gambar Ferrari 250 GTO

The 1960s and 1970s

The 1960s and 1970s were a golden age for Ferrari. The company produced some of its most iconic cars during this period, including the 250 GTO, the Daytona, and the F40. Ferrari also continued to win races, and it became one of the most successful car brands in the world.

The 1980s and 1990s

The 1980s and 1990s were a challenging time for Ferrari. The company faced competition from new entrants to the luxury car market, and it struggled to maintain its dominance in racing. However, Ferrari continued to produce some of the most desirable cars in the world, including the Testarossa and the 512TR.

The 21st Century

The 21st century has been a period of renewed success for Ferrari. The company has won numerous races, including the Formula One championship in 2008, 2009, and 2017. Ferrari has also expanded its lineup to include more affordable cars, such as the California and the Portofino.

Today, Ferrari is one of the most successful and prestigious car brands in the world. The company’s cars are known for their performance, luxury, and exclusivity. Ferrari is a symbol of wealth, power, and success, and it continues to be one of the most popular car brands in the world.

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